
Definition and Examples of Simile

Definition and Examples Simile Majas Complete - Majas simile is a figure of speech comparing the group of using words as a comparison to state goals and objectives. Majas simile is almost the same as the figure of speech parable because both use the words of the parable in the sentence. The only difference between the two is the figure of speech simile membndingkan something explicitly uses the words of the parable, while the comparative figure of speech parable that conveyed implicitly.
So, thus better understand what the other person is actually expressed by speakers. The words used in the link simile is like a figure of speech, for instance, like, like, like, like, like, and others which are said comparator. Imagery - used this parable to illustrate or describe the meaning or ideas or ideas to be conveyed by the speakers. In the words of simile -kalimat figure of speech, the speaker can compare ideas or ideas with words parables, object, or characters that have traits or proximity to illustrate the idea atauide meaning intended by the speaker.


1.      Gap between rich and poor as the heavens and the earth, the sky is always above and the earth is always trampled.
2.      Chant the verses of God like a lamp in the darkness that leads us to the right path.
3.      Do not identify me as the fetus is in love willing to sacrifice everything.
4.      I want to live free like birds that fly freely where he wants.
5.      Continue to fight like you will live forever.
6.      Both brothers were like cats and rats are enemies of each other.
7.      Beautiful woman face like the moon at night most shining.
8.      Development of the modern era have made the need for fast internet service such as the need for staples.

A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things. Unlike a metaphor, a simile draws resemblance with the help of the words “like” or “as”. Therefore, it is a direct comparison

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