Critical Discourse Analysis Founder

Discourse analysis as one of the disciplines with an explicit methodology can be considered as a new science for a new development seen in the early 70s and sourced in Western scientific tradition. The term discourse analysis emerged as an attempt to produce a more complete description language because there are elements of language are not enough when analyzed using aspects of the structure and meaning it. So through discourse analysis can be obtained by an explanation of the correlation between what is uttered, what is and what is understood in a particular context.

Today I wanna tell ya about someone great in this area. He is emeritus profesor from Lancester University.
He is Norman Fairclaugh.

He was`born in 1941 and I don’t get the place but I know about his study.
He get much rewàrd for the resèarch and argument. The one thinker wìth study who called CDA.
Critical discourse analysis is the analysis of the language in use by using critical language. This analysis is seen as opposition to discourse analysis descriptive that sees discourse as a phenomenon of language text only, since the analysis of this type in addition to working to obtain a description of aspects of language, also relate to the context, be it the social, cultural, ideological and domains` power use language as a tool.

In this`context, to view investigate how the use of language social groups fight each other and asking each other's opinions and powerful. That make us who educated have kind of point of view and know the event occure and we can cross`check about the truth and if that bad we can anticipation.
In general Critical discoursè consìst of 3 divide

1.      An action, that doing as interaction or manything else. To make someone get understanding and assùmtion or (kind of propaganda or can be not).

2.      Context, Critical discourse analysis consider the context of discourse, such as the background, circumstances, events and conditions.

3.      History, the text of the discourse can only be achieved if we are able to provide a historical context in which the text was created; for example, the social and political situation, the atmosphere at the time.
4.      Domain, about domain who natural or as wèll.

5.      Aspect, kind of two its posìtive or negative. Its defind on reality or not. Make sòmeone assumtion and critical thinking to solve and to know it.

According to Norman Fairclaugh
1. Textual Dimensions (microstructural)
Each text has three functions, namely representation, relationships, and identity. Functions relating to the representation of the ways that is done to show the social reality into written form.

2. Dimensions of dis`course (Mesostructural)
Discourse practice, in this dimension of analysis, interpretation done to the processing of discourse that includes aspects of income, deployment and use of text. he argued that the analysis of discourse serves to know the process of production, dissemination, and use of text. Thus, all three of these stages must be carried out to analyze the dimensions of discourse.

3. Practical Dimensions of Socio-Cultural (Makrostruktural)
a macro-level analysis based on the idea that the social context that exists outside the media actually influence how the existing discourse in the media.

The discussion of socio-cultural practices include three levels of situational rate, related to the production and context of the situation and the effect on the level of institutional politics (political system) in an area.

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23 komentar:

  1. hii brother said i like your material and your blog, in your expert Norman Fairclough the research about Critical Discourse Analysis, And he says in discourse analysis norman Fairclough also provides levels, such as the following: Mesostruktur Analysis (Process interpretation): focused on two aspects: text production and consumption of text. please give me simple explanation. thank you

    1. of coursè that just about the related to political system, soial, economic and situational and institutional. You can study more i wìll give you website "

  2. Hello Said.
    I have read your post, and iam interest with one of Norman Fairclaugh book, that is Media Discoure.
    Can you explain to me what is Media Discourse talk about? what is the different between Media Discourse with Mass Communication? Thank you, Said.

    1. Media Discourse file:///C:/Users/Irsyam/Downloads/IJESE_1035_article_57f0e8bfa6628.pdf , thayou can sèe the adress or you can conversation with me. Maybe later when u ready. sèe ya.

  3. Hi said. I like your blog because you have a long explanation. But, could you tell me briefly of Fairclough finding about how language led to social groups to fight and filed ideology respectively? Thank youu

    1. you can find in this book ( see ya.

    2. and

  4. Nice helmi.. Can you give me a title a book most be popular that can i search in book store whereever? Shukri

    1. Regime Transition and the Judicial Politics of Enmity: Democratic Inclusion. That good to know about knowledge

  5. Nice said, in your blog i was read " social practice in discours analysis is seen causing interlooking relationship between events that are escape from reality and social structure" so, please you explain it whit your own word. Thnaks

    1. Read this book 'Utopia: Social Theory and the Future', my explanation include in this theory.

  6. hay said, a famous Fairclough. can you explain what is the connection between language and ideology? ^*^

  7. hyyy member group said helmi.hahaah
    i really interest about your material. and also really like your blog cause your put musical intruments and make me fell so sad and also fell asleep. i really2 like this musical.

    well i have little question for u said. Can you explain to me briefly what makes you interested in the study and gIve me a brief description of CDA and aslo What do you think the fundamental difference with other experts of CDA. like issabela,Teun Adrianus van Dijk and another.

    okeeyyy said just simple question,hehehe
    and also gluck and thank u.

  8. Hi akhun kobih, I Like your material.
    In your material you write " in Discourse analysis Norman fairclough also provides levels, such as the following: ( Microstructural Analysis, Mesostruktur Analysis, and Makrostruktur Analysis).
    Please give example of 3 levels by Norman Fairclough! Thanks akhun

  9. Hi said i like your material it about expert norman fairclough. What you interested in the study media discourse? In this material useful in our daily life?

  10. Assalamualaikum alvandi.
    Nice your blog.
    I have a question
    What focus area
    Mr.norman fairclough .
    And please you explain again


  11. haii mama,good material.
    but,i want ask question for you
    can you explain what the goals about your material ?
    thankyou mama

  12. hi said, I'm interested you choose critical discourse analysis as your material. I want ask question. did this research can help all of problem in all of aspect in human life? thankyou

  13. Hi said. I like your material. I have a question to you, what is his word that make you choose him?. And what is the research that make his popular?.
    Thank you

  14. Hai said, nice blog.
    Said, norman is famous expert from critical discourse analysi. So why you choose norman? Whether there are interesting with norman and what is the first and best book by norman.
    Thankyou said

  15. Hy said, nice article
    In Norman research there is 'Makrostruktur Analysis (Process discourse' could you tell me briefly what it is and give simple example?

  16. Hi, Ngot ^ _ ^
    I've read your article. It's a little longer than I suspected. I do not even think you're going to write this article (I say this because I know that you're a slacker).
    I'm just curious, why do you like "Critical Discourse Analysis"? How do you know Norman Fairclough? What's special from him that made you interested in him? Also, please explain briefly about your area of expertise that he concentrates.
    Thank you ^ _ ^

    1. Hi riwas, I m so interest to him bcoz he have study well and have many journal that benefit to me. Sò this`time i want to give you such an example of this "
      tha the one of websìte, you can sèe and i hope you understand.
