
Definition of ambiguity is the ambiguity is often defined as ambiguous or ambiguous. This concept is not wrong, but also less precise because they can not be distinguished with polysemy. Polysemy is also ambiguous. So what's the difference? Polysemy and ambiguity are also equally ambiguous. Only if the multiplicity of meaning in polysemy derived from the word while the multiplicity of meaning in the ambiguity comes from the larger grammatical units that phrase or sentence, and occurs as a result of a different interpretation of the grammatical structure. For example the phrase new history books can be interpreted as
1. The history book recently published
2. The book-sided history of the new age


Every person has never escaped from the communication. Communication is a way for humans to interact with other human beings. One of them using language media. By using this language humans can communicate. Indonesian is the language that is most important in the area of ​​our republic, because of the presence of Indonesian, all the tribes in Indonesia can be put together so that it can communicate well by using Indonesian. There is a saying that states that "the language indicates the nation". The oracle of one's language indicates that the high and low culture. Indonesia is a great nation with a large population anyway and the background is different. Therein lies the Indonesian function which brings together a variety of languages ​​so as to make Indonesian become the national language.
Although Indonesian became the national language and was formalized nationally, but still there is the use of Indonesian that does not comply with the rules which apply, ie there are still errors in the use of language, both in pronunciation and in writing.
One type of language and communication errors in an article or speech is because of their ambiguity or often called ambiguity. Since the number of misunderstandings on the meaning of a word or phrase, we tried to analyze these errors and lifted it in a paper entitled "Ambiguity In the language".

Ambiguity comes from the English language is ambiguity which means a construction which can be interpreted in more than one sense. Ambiguity is often also called ambiguity (Alwi, 2002: 36). Ambiguity can be interpreted or construed to have more than one meaning to be a syntactic construction. It is inevitable ambiguous that resulted in more than one sense this may happen when the conversation in an oral or written.

When the conversation might be anticipated verbal enunciation rather slowly, while for writing if less slightest punctuation then we will interpret the sentence or word into a meaning different from that desired by the author. From a purely linguistic point of view, there are three forms of ambiguity, namely:
1.1 phonetic ambiguity,
1.2 grammatical ambiguity
1.3 lexical ambiguity (Ullmann, adapted Sumarsono, 2007: 2002).

Here is an explanation of the three types of ambiguity:

1.1  Ambiguity in phonetic level (sound)

Ambiguity on this level occur due to adaptation of the sounds of spoken language. Sometimes we may have misinterpreted the meaning of a word or phrase for words or phrases during the conversation it was too soon to say. For example:
a word "gold when his wedding?" could be misinterpreted if we do not pay attention to the context. If the pronunciation is too fast, it could be interpreted into when the dowry (objects) will be given to the bride for example, or perhaps interpretation direction when someone called mas (older brother) would be getting married.
b The words "Yang stood in front of the mother's brother". This sentence if the pronunciation is not restricted by a pause will be interpreted that stand in front of the mother's brother (uncle / aunt) or it could be interpreted that stand in front of it is the mother's brother.
1.2  Ambiguity in the grammatical level

Grammatical ambiguity arises when the process of formation of linguistic units both at the level of morphology, word, phrase, sentence or patagraf and discourse. The ambiguity of the word due to morphology will disappear by itself when it is placed in the context of a correct sentence. Here is an example of grammatical ambiguity:
a. Ambiguity caused by events grammatically word formation. For example the word prefix PE sleep after being turned into a sleeper. "Sleeper", this word can mean people who like to sleep and can also mean a drug that causes people to fall asleep.
b. The ambiguity of the phrase. For example, parents in the Indonesian language can mean our parents are the mother and father, or an elderly person. To avoid this ambiguity, we should add an element of descriptors such as: my parents or parents to phrase referring to the father and mother. As for the meaning of the second can be added the word "who" then becomes an old man.

1.3  The ambiguity of the lexical level

Each word can have more than one meaning. As a result, people often mistakenly interpret the meaning of a word. Thus, the meaning of a word can be different depending on the context of the sentence itself. As word used to dig in the plantation sector would be a different meaning when used in the field of law or justice. The example in the sentence: "the farmer was digging the ground behind his house". Would a different meaning to the phrase "The police are trying to get information from witnesses".

Conclusion :
Definition of ambiguity is the ambiguity is often defined as ambiguous or ambiguous. This concept is not wrong,
From a purely linguistic point of view, there are three forms of ambiguity, namely:
1.1 phonetic ambiguity,
1.2 grammatical ambiguity
1.3 lexical ambiguity
Here is an explanation of the three types of ambiguity:

1.      Ambiguity in phonetic level (sound)
2.      Ambiguity in the grammatical level
3.      The ambiguity of the lexical level

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