Connotation, Denotation, and Implication

            Definition of Denotation is when the word referred or refer understanding or real meaning. The word implies denotation used in scientific language as in scientific language someone wants to convey ideas. In order for the ideas suggested not cause a double interpretation, he should convey ideas with words that contain meaning denotation.
SAMPLE denotation and connotation
sentence Denotation
1.      My little sister loves to bite the finger.
2.      Zakiyan owned a dairy cow.
3.      Ms. Brenda kepasar buy beef.
4.      Hand Reno exposed to fire, when playing with fire.
5.      Sister sat on the loveseat made of foam.
6.      Diana planting flowers in the front yard of his house.
7.      abarnya fuel prices will rise this month.
8.      Arman was sitting in a rocking chair.
9.      Neny is being rolled mats.
10.  Sister hands burned when playing with fire.
Understanding the cultural meaning or connotation is that it is subjective emotional and attached to a word or phrase. Meanwhile, the explicit and literal meaning of a word or phrase is called denotation.

            Connotation is a mind link that raises the value of feeling in a person when dealing with a word; meaning added to the denotation of meaning. Connotation can be positive or negative form. Examples of positive connotations in Indonesian is the "heart of hearts" which means "feeling", while a negative connotation example is the "black sheep" meaningful "abuse." In English, for example, a positive connotation the word "strong-willed" meaningful stubborn, while examples of the negative connotation is "pig-headed" which also means stubborn but contain negative associations.
sentence connotations
1.      Gayus was sitting in a chair prisoner (the judgment seat)
2.      Daniel like enemies in the blanket (those near the traitor)
3.      Although rich Anton unpretentiousness, (haughty: snob)
4.      Fadlan did not want arrogant despite being in an overstuffed chair in his office (loveseat: good position)
5.      Mukhlis live alone (all alone: ​​alone / without family)
6.      The house salad Paijo scorched in the flames (the flames: Fire)
7.      The merchants out of business (bankruptcy: bankruptcy)
8.      Benny people who are good at swapping one-liners (bersilat tongue: articulate / intelligent search for a reason)
9.      Dian simply as cash cows for her boss (dairy cows: utilized only)
10.  Irfan meruapakan descent blue blood (blue-blood: nobility / honored)
11.  Anisa's lips since successfully established a patisserie (lips: people talk a lot)
12.  Ahmad lift the foot of the boarding house (Lift legs: move in / out)
13.  The increase in fuel is not just a rumor (rumor: issues / not sure the truth)
14.  Turns out he was a thief who had repented big fish (big fish: great / ruling)
15.  Didier already know guile Bejo (guile: sly / con)

            Often people use the term implications without really thinking about what is the meaning and definition. The use of the word implications are still rarely used in sentences of everyday conversation. The use of the word implications usually used in a language of study. So it's still a bit of studies focused on the meaning of the word implications. But if you hear term implications, the first thing that comes to mind in general is a result of or something that has a direct impact.
            Meaning of the word implications itself actually has a very broad scope and diverse, so it can be used in a variety of sentence within the scope of different languages. Said the implications can be used in a variety of circumstances and situations that require a person to believe or argue. Just as in language and mathematics research.
            Until now, there is still not complete and thorough discussion on the meaning and definition of the word implications. The Meaning of the implications of the involvement or entanglement. So that every word prefixes of the implications of such words or implying implications that means having a relationship or some allegedly involved with something.
            Words have synonyms implications are quite varied, including the linkages, involvement, effect, plugs, associations, as a result, connotation, purpose, innuendo and suggestion. The equation says the implications are usually more commonly used in everyday conversation. This is because the more general implications of the word or suitable for use in context of scientific language and research.
            Understanding the implications according to experts no one can explain it clearly, this is because the meaning coverage reaching implications. According to experts, understanding the implications or consequences is a direct result of the findings of a scientific study. Another notion of implication, according to experts is a conclusion or the end result of an investigation findings.

Denotation is when the word referred or refer understanding or real meaning.
Meanwhile, the explicit and literal meaning of a word or phrase is called denotation.
Connotation is a mind link that raises the value of feeling in a person when dealing with a word; meaning added to the denotation of meaning.
The Meaning of the implications of the involvement or entanglement.
So, connotation denotation and implication is use for variety in speaking of language.

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